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Dear KWCEA Friends,
I am very pleased to report that the Kentucky Workers’ Compensation Education Association Conference for 2012 was a great success. Once again a fine panel of speakers (19), great support from our exhibitors (35 booths, 48 exhibitors), generous sponsors ($7,500) , and enthusiastic participation (120 attendees) made for an informative and entertaining day and a half. Much thanks to Commissioner Lovan and all the ALJs who attended and participated as well. We have great appreciation for the contributions of Workers’ Compensation Board Chair Mike Alvey and the attendance of Board Member Franklin Stivers. Also thanks to Chief ALJ Landon Overfield for his role as our Narrator. The support we receive from our state officials is significant and crucial.
The KWCEA Board is grateful to you for joining us and hoping you will write us into your plans for early December, 2013. Your participation this year will result in approximately $9,000 being sent to Kids’ Chance of Kentucky and we hope to be even more effective in 2013. Keep an eye on our website and please feel free to share your questions and comments.