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Shh, I’ve got a secret…
The Secret is out so mark your calendars and make plans to attend the 2013 KWCEA Conference on December 12th & 13th
Early Registration
2013 KWCEA Conference Information:
- KWCEA will be all day on Thursday, Dec 12th and 1/2 day on December 13th,
- The cost will be unchanged for the last 10 years, $135. early registration, $150.
- We will be moving to Lousvillie at the Mariott Louisville East at 1903 Embassy Square Blvd, Louisville, KY 40299 and the room rate is $109 same as it has been the past 4 years. If you wish to reserve a room, here is a link to get you started:thttp://Book STANDARD GUEST ROOM at Louisville Marriott East for $109 per night
- Our exhibitor friends need to know that this facility can handle all of us in one place, you will have attendees coming and going.
But mostly remember, KWCEA proceeds goes to Kids’ Chance of Kentucky.
Visit our website for pictures of last year’s conference and to keep in touch with us.